62 careers found.
Model makers construct full-size and scale models of landscape, engineering, architectural, automotive and other industrial designs. They work from scale drawings, plans, photographs and lists of figures or specifications requiring conversion to three-dimensional form. These models help designers to see how a project, such as a building or a car, will look or work before it is completed. Some model makers, such as automotive clay modellers, may specialise in high-quality artistic work, while others may concentrate on technically accurate models.
Museum attendants work in the public spaces of museums, greeting visitors and attending to enquiries, and ensuring the protection of exhibits.
Museum curators look after, manage, organise, display and develop museum collections, and conduct related research. Museum curators usually specialise in a broad discipline, such as anthropology, art, decorative arts, natural history, social history, science or technology. Within that discipline they are generally recognised as authorities on one or more specific subject areas.
Museum officers prepare specimens for collections, and construct and arrange museum and art gallery exhibits.
Music therapists provide therapeutic programmes through the planned and controlled use of music to help people of all ages, including those with special needs because of social, emotional, psychiatric, physical or intellectual impairments.
Musicians write, arrange, orchestrate, perform, record and conduct musical compositions. A musician may perform a variety of tasks depending on their area of specialisation.
Painters and decorators apply paint, varnish, wallpaper and other finishes to protect, maintain and decorate interior and exterior surfaces of domestic, commercial and industrial buildings and other structures. Painters and decorators may concentrate on a specific area of work, such as the internal or external painting of domestic homes, commercial buildings, industrial structures and equipment. They may also concentrate exclusively on restoration work.
Photographers operate cameras and lighting equipment to take photographs of people, places, products and other subjects. Areas of specialisation in photography include photojournalism, fashion, food, scientific, commercial, industrial, medical, portrait, wedding, advertising, landscape, art and architectural.
Picture framers make frames of all types and sizes and mount and display decorative items such as paintings, prints, etchings, tapestries and photographs.
Production crew members look after the setting up, dismantling, removal and maintenance of music and theatre production equipment for stage performances. They also transport and maintain equipment between shows.
Projectionists set up and operate movie projectors in cinemas, outdoor venues and drive-in theatres.
Public servants in the Australian Public Service (APS) work in a wide range of areas such as community and social services, defence, economic management, education, employment, foreign affairs, health, housing, industrial relations and transport. They are employed in a variety of clerical, technical and professional careers.
Recreation officers develop, support and coordinate sport and recreation programmes and services for the benefit of the community. Recreation officers may work at one of three levels: professional, technical or operative.• Professional officers work as planners, researchers, consultants, educators and administrators. • A technical officer's work may involve managing a leisure centre, community centre or sports complex. • Recreation officers work at the operative level as youth leaders and outdoor activity leaders. The three levels are not always clearly defined. The relevant responsibilities will vary considerably between different organisations and may overlap.
Screen printers set up and operate power-driven or hand-operated screen printing machines to create images.
Set designers research, design and supervise the construction of sets and scenery, costumes and all the visual aids required in stage, film and television productions.