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97 careers found.

Orthoptists detect, diagnose and treat disorders of the eye and associated eye movement and vision problems.

Osteopaths diagnose, treat and provide preventative advice about disorders that affect the body's musculoskeletal system, using manual techniques to alleviate stresses and dysfunction to improve the body's function.

An outdoor adventure leader instructs and guides individuals and groups undertaking adventure activities in a variety of outdoor locations. Activities may include bicycle touring, bushwalking, canoeing, caving, cross-country skiing, horse trekking, rafting, rock climbing and sailing.

Paramedics provide pre-hospital emergency care, treatment and specialised transport for injured and sick patients.

Pathologists identify and diagnose the presence of diseases in their various stages and possible sources of infection in body tissues, fluids, secretions and other scientific specimens.

Pharmacists supply, dispense and manufacture medicines and pharmaceutical products in hospitals and community pharmacies, and advise on their appropriate use. They also conduct research into the formulation, production, storage, quality control and distribution of medicines and pharmaceutical products.

Pharmacologists evaluate the origin, effects and mechanisms of drugs and develop them for human and animal use.

Physiotherapists assess, treat and prevent disorders in human movement caused by injury and disease. Further into their career, physiotherapists can choose to practise in specific areas such as muscle and skeletal conditions, women's health, aged care, chest conditions, occupational health and safety, sports injuries, babies and young children, problems of the nervous system and spinal injuries, administration, education or research.

Podiatrists look after the health of people's feet by diagnosing, treating and preventing foot abnormalities, and educating the public about good foot health. Podiatrists may develop a special interest in dealing with particular client groups, such as children, the aged or sportspeople. They may also work in a particular area, such as occupational health, or with general medical conditions that result in foot and leg problems.

Prosthetic/orthotic technicians:use tools, machinery, plastic and metal to make and repair prostheses and orthosesassist professional prosthetists/orthotists.

Prosthetists/Orthotists assess the physical and functional limitations of people resulting from illness and disabilities, and provide prostheses (artificial limbs) and orthoses (supportive devices) to restore function or compensate for muscular and skeletal disabilities, including limb amputation.

Psychiatrists diagnose, treat and try to prevent human mental, emotional and behavioural disorders. Psychiatrists should not be confused with psychologists, whose training does not include a medical degree and who do not have the authority to prescribe medicines.

Psychologists study human behaviour and the processes associated with how people think and feel, conduct research and provide treatment and counselling in order to reduce distress and behavioural and psychological problems. They promote mental health and positive behaviour in individuals and groups. Psychologists work on a broad range of issues with clients, including children, adults, couples, families and organisations.

Psychotherapists provide diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders using psychotherapeutic methods such as behavioural therapy, biofeedback, relaxation therapy and other techniques. They work with individuals, couples, families and groups to help them overcome a range of psychological and emotional issues.

Public servants in the Australian Public Service (APS) work in a wide range of areas such as community and social services, defence, economic management, education, employment, foreign affairs, health, housing, industrial relations and transport. They are employed in a variety of clerical, technical and professional careers.

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