Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV) Inc
The Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE) has a forty-plus year history of providing quality resources and training to career practitioners. The CEAV Institute (RTO 22523) is a division of the Australian Centre for Career Education and was established to meet the demand for formal qualifications in the career industry, driven by the CICA Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners.We offer nationally recognised qualifications for career development practitioners who operate within the CICA Professional Standards at either Associate or Professional level. CEAV Institute trainers and assessors are highly qualified and experienced career development professionals who maintain compliance with both the CICA standards and the requirements of the Standards for RTOs. Our students come from diverse backgrounds that include; Education (Secondary, Tertiary and VET), Apprenticeship and Traineeships and providers, Wellbeing Coordinators, Job Seekers, Career Transition and Corporate Organisations. CEAV Institute uses highly qualified and experienced career development professionals to deliver both accredited and non-accredited training.