Edith Cowan University ECU

Graduate Certificate in Design Thinking

Edith Cowan University ECU

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00279B

The Graduate Certificate in Design Thinking equips students with the skills and knowledge required in contemporary industry practices that require people-focused innovations. Focusing on emerging design skill sets and mindsets, this course delivers comprehensive training for graduates to engage with transformative capabilities through Design Thinking. This course engages students in hands-on projects, collaborative exercises, and real-world simulations in social, cultural, technological and environmental challenges. Our staff members, consisting of research experts and industry leaders, will mentor students in developing a portfolio that showcases strong design abilities to prospective employers.


Total Credit Points 60

Standard entry requirements

  • Bachelor degree
  • OrEquivalent prior learning including at least five years relevant professional experience.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Mount Lawley Domestic: $11,350
International: $18,850
  • Full-time : 0.5 years
  • Part-time : 1 year

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