TAFE Queensland Brisbane
- Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Overhauling - AUR40820
- Certificate IV in Baking - FBP40221
- Certificate IV in Disability Support - CHC43121
- Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business - BSB40320
- Certificate IV in Fitness - SIS40221
- Certificate IV in Kitchen Management - SIT40521
- Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques - MSL40122
- Certificate IV in Leisure and Health - CHC43415
- Certificate IV in Mental Health - CHC43315
- Certificate IV in Project Management Practice - BSB40920
- Certificate IV in Residential Drafting - CPP40121
- Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing - ACM40418
- Diploma of Accounting - FNS50222
- Diploma of Agribusiness Management - AHC51422
- Diploma of Anaesthetic Technology - HLT57915
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