The College of Law Limited

The College of Law is the school of professional practice for lawyers in Australia and New Zealand. They provide career-long education and training services to the legal profession, differentiated by a focus on practical law. The College is unique in having campuses in Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Auckland as well as providing onsite training in key regional centres. They have over 140 teaching and support staff in total reflecting their commitment to the ongoing development of the legal profession in both countries. Graduates of all law schools in Australia and New Zealand come to The College to undertake a comprehensive program of practical legal training, leading to admission into the profession. They have trained over 60,000 law graduates and are now the largest provider in both countries. For those practitioners interested in career and practice development, the College offers fully-accredited postgraduate applied law programs. These can be taken at the Graduate Diploma or Master level or as single subjects. The LLM (Applied Law) focuses on the practical delivery of legal services in order to improve client outcomes. They are conducted primarily online in order to meet the needs of busy practitioners. Subjects and majors are available in the following practice areas: Commercial Litigation; Commercial Transactions; Dispute Resolution; Estate Planning; Family Law; Government & Public Sector Law; In-house Practice; Legal Practice Management; Property Law; Wills & Estates. The Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution Practice (FDRP) is designed to meet the educational requirements leading to accreditation by satisfying the six core competencies prescribed by the Attorney General. Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners come from a variety of backgrounds. Students do not need to practise family law or even be a lawyer to enrol. FEE-HELP is available for eligible students (Australian citizens).

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