University of Newcastle

Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

University of Newcastle

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00109J

The Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship combined program is for those who are interested in understanding the world around us, and in creating innovative futures that influence markets, communities and societies. This program is for those that are inspired to build new knowledge and discover new things. You will learn from leading researchers who will guide you through a tailored program. You’ll be able to follow your passions as you develop commercial skills, specialist knowledge and the ability to think distinctively, creatively and critically in a business environment. Our guidance and mentoring give you the confidence to know you’re heading where you want to go, and you’ll begin the important process of establishing the professional networks that will be critical throughout your career. You’ll have authentic opportunities to work with industry and in research whilst you study. Stretch your imagination and gain highly competitive skills to jumpstart a bright future in an increasingly dynamic and commercial world, ready to contribute new solutions to the many challenges we face.


  • Students are required to complete a total of, but no more than, 320 units, comprised of the following: 220 units of Core Courses
  • 10 unit Mathematics Directed Course
  • One 80 unit Major
  • 10 units of Electives.


  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry (Advanced Materials)
  • Chemistry (Medicinal and Organic)
  • Earth Sciences
  • Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Geography
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Psychology

Standard entry requirements

  • Year 12 or equivalent
  • Or approved TAFE studies, or another preparatory program, such as Newstep, Open Foundation or Yapug
  • Selection via ATAR or equivalent. Assumed Knowledge: HSC Mathematics Standard or Higher, Recommended Studies: In addition to HSC Mathematics, HSC Biology and/or Chemistry and/or Physics and/or Earth and Environmental Science would be a strong advantage in this program depending on the major you intend to complete.


A major in Chemistry is recognised by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI). A major in Photonics or Physics qualifies graduates for associate membership of the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP).

Study pathways

Year 12 Adjustment points may be available to HSC students who achieve high results in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth and Environmental Science, and Science (Extension). Credit may be available to students who have completed a TAFE Diploma or Advanced Diploma. Honours is available as an additional year to meritorious students.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Callaghan International: $153,620
  • ATAR: 65.00
  • Full-time : 4 years
  • Part-time : 4 years

Fee comments

Campuses: Callaghan.

Fee comments - Fees are indicative and subject to variation. Overall program fee may vary based on course selection.

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