Search results for "Social Media"
7 things to research when you're looking for a new job
New job jitters? Research is your weapon! Check out a company's culture (vibe with them?), responsibilities (tasks match your skills?), and industry outlook (stable and growing?). Don't forget salary, benefits (health insurance, etc.), and career growth options. Research the company's reputation and stability too. Finally, consider the work environment (commute, remote work?) to ensure a good work-life balance. Research well, land the job you'll love!
First semester of university: Expectations vs reality
The students' guide to cultivating a personal brand
LinkedIn for students: Get noticed and get ahead
Is it worth taking a gap year in 2021?
How to use social media more mindfully and productively
How to deal with group assignments
When you ask university students of any course, subject or year what they found most stressful throughout their time studying, there’s one common theme that will constantly bounce up: group assignments.
Where to find cheaper textbooks
If you’re trying to locate textbooks that aren’t costing more than your rent, here are some great places to start with.
Your 2019 Schoolies Survival Guide
Depending where you’re headed, Schoolies takes place from mid-November through to early December. It’s a great way to get away from your usual surroundings and celebrate the end of 13 years of schooling!
Beat procrastination with the Pomodoro Technique
There are plenty of tricks for study success, but when the assignments are piling up and exams are looming, maintaining momentum is key.
100 jobs of the future
It’s inevitable: many jobs that exist now will eventually be superseded by technology, and many industries will evolve beyond recognition, thanks to advancements in technology.