University of Newcastle

Bachelor of Development Studies / Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

University of Newcastle

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00109J

The need for environmentally sustainable and equitable development is one of the most serious issues facing the contemporary world. The Bachelor of Development Studies/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) program provides opportunities to study the causes and consequences of unequal development and assess policy options for a more equitable and sustainable future, while studying the complementary skills in Law. The Bachelor of Development Studies offers 4 interdisciplinary majors, Cultures and Citizenship, Environmental Sustainability, Globalisation and Economic Development and Urban and Regional Development. These majors are comprised mostly of courses from the disciplines of Aboriginal Studies, Economics, Environmental Studies, Geography, Politics and Sociology and Anthropology (as is reflected in the core and program directed in Development Studies). Students in the combined program would be able to add to this a study of Law, commencing in Year 1, and becoming the focus of study in years 4 and 5.


  • Students in the combined program will need to complete the following courses: 180 units of core LAWS courses - Students in the combined degree will be required to take directed courses LAWS5010 and LAWS6019 as core
  • 60 units of directed LAWS courses,
  • 80 units of core Development Studies courses
  • 80 unit Development Studies major (with max. 10 units at 1000 level & min. 40 units at 3000 level).


  • Environmental Sustainability Globalisation and Economic Development Urban and Regional Development Culture and Citizenship

Standard entry requirements

  • Year 12 or equivalent
  • Or approved TAFE studies, or another preparatory program, such as Newstep, Open Foundation or Yapug
  • Selection via ATAR or equivalent

Study pathways

Credit may be available to students who have completed a TAFE Diploma or Advanced Diploma. Honours is available as an extra year for meritorious students. Postgraduate coursework and research degrees are also possible.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
NUspace International: $177,925
  • ATAR: 82
  • Full-time : 5 years
  • Part-time : 5 years

Fee comments

Campuses: NUspace.

Fees are indicative and subject to variation. Overall program fee may vary based on course selection.

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