Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc
Established in 1996, the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc (VACCHO) is a Registered Training Organisation and represents 27 Members. VACCHO is accountable to the Aboriginal community through their Membership. The majority of ACCHOs are multi-functional services with health as a key component of their role, although some solely specialise in health service delivery. VACCHO is Victoria's peak representative Aboriginal health body and champions community control and health equality for Aboriginal communities. VACCHO advocates for the health equality and optimum health of all Aboriginal people in Victoria. VACCHO is a provider of training and assessment services specialising in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander primary health care qualifications and also offers a range of other health, social and emotional wellbeing and business orientated programs. Its main audience for training is the growing and emerging Aboriginal health workforce and sector. They also offer a range of other accredited and non-accredited programs.