Back to uni survival kit

After months of bliss, university holidays are coming to anend as students prepare for semester one. For thousands of school leavers, thiswill mark their introduction to the higher education system, which can beparticularly challenging for those who have had to relocate away from home.
There are numerous resources available for students toaccess both on campus and online, especially during the weeks leading up to thefirst semester. From a personal perspective, it’s important to prepare yourselfto transition back into a regular routine.
Make a study schedule
It isn’t the most exciting prospect in the world, but it isextremely useful to have a study plan. This way, you can avoid getting to weekthree and realising you’ve got four assignments you haven’t started, due within48 hours.
Stock up on books and stationery
The last thing you want is to turn up to class and have noidea what is going on because you don’t have the relevant textbook. Go throughyour booklist a week or two in advance, investigate whether you can borrow anythrough the library, and stock up on pens, exercise books and any other stationery.
Sort out the little things
It’s good to be prepared so you don’t encounter any annoyingsurprises. Do you drive to uni, or take public transport? Do you have to payfor parking? Do any of your classes clash with others, and do you need toadjust your schedule to fit in with work and other external responsibilities?These are all better taken care of ahead of time.
Be ready to deal with stress
No matter how well you do all the above, it’s inevitablethat you will experience stress during the semester. Try and adopt a positiveway of dealing with stress, whether it’s exercising, reading or spending timewith friends. This includes trying new things – you might find that mediationor yoga does you the world of good.
Useful Links:
Takingcare of yourself over the uni break
Fivepodcasts every university student should be listening to