How to become a Diver

Divers carry out a range of duties underwater using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA), surface breathing apparatus or underwater work chambers. With experience, and sometimes further training, divers may become a ship's diver or dive supervisor.

Personal requirements for a Diver

  • Able to cope with the physical demands of the job
  • Able to pass a strict medical examination
  • Responsible and safety-conscious
  • Able to work as part of a team
  • Able to solve mathematical problems

Education & Training for a Diver

There is little prospect of an untrained person finding employment as a trainee commercial diver. Companies expect potential employees to have some diving experience and a relevant qualification. To work as a diver you need to attain certification as a commercial diver, although in some areas (such as abalone diving and reef fish collecting), a recreational scuba qualification such as those issued by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) may be sufficient. The required qualifications vary depending on the specialist area you wish to enter. Commercial diving qualifications are available through short courses, which are provided by training establishments accredited by the Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS). These courses can provide the foundation for progressing to higher academic courses within Australia. Costs, duration and entry requirements vary. Contact ADAS for more information.ADAS recognises four levels depending on the amount of experience and courses completed:• Level 1 - Occupational SCUBA (onshore to 30m)• Level 2 - Surface Supply Breathing Apparatus (onshore to 30m)• Level 3 - Surface Supply Breathing Apparatus (offshore to 50m)• Level 4 - Saturation/Closed Bell (offshore to open limit).To apply for a commercial diving licence, you must be at least 18 years of age, hold a certificate of recreational diving competence and be able to swim competently. You must also hold a Provide First Aid certificate and be highly skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or oxygen administration. Applicants must also have a certificate of medical fitness, issued by a doctor trained and experienced in underwater medicine.

Duties & Tasks of a Diver


  • Inspect diving equipment before diving
  • Build, check and repair underwater constructions such as harbour wall foundations, ship hulls, jetties, piers and pipelines, sometimes using cutting or welding equipment
  • Use cables, floatation gear or ropes to bring underwater objects to the surface
  • Carry out underwater exploration
  • Carry out underwater search and rescue operations to recover bodies, stolen goods and other property (police divers)
  • Build and look after fish farms
  • Supervise and teach others to dive
  • Operate cameras for underwater filming (such as for nature documentaries)
  • Place recording instruments underwater
  • Operate decompression and recompression chambers.


  • Dives in diving bells and operates articulated arms to perform tasks.
  • Controls equipment at the surface for other divers.
  • Performs mechanical, construction, repair and inspection duties using hand tools, cutting and welding equipment and hydraulic or air powered equipment.
  • Carries out other underwater duties such as surveys, searches, blasting and collection of scientific or exploratory samples and operates underwater equipment including video and television camera and sonar gear.
  • Secures cables or floatation devices to objects to raise them to the surface.

Working conditions for a Diver

Professional diving is both physically and mentally demanding, with a lot of time spent working underwater. It is a potentially hazardous occupation, so divers must work under strict safety standards.

Employment Opportunities for a Diver

Commercial divers are employed on contracts and work both interstate and overseas. Most find work as onshore construction divers or with the offshore oil and gas industry, state or territory fisheries departments, water authorities, fish farms or civil engineering firms. Employers of construction divers prefer applicants with a metals and engineering trade background (such as fitting, plumbing, welding, rigging, fitting explosives, electronics and motor mechanics). Although a trade is not essential, divers are expected to be proficient both manually and with tools. In the recreational diving field, opportunities are limited to people holding an instructor or divemaster qualification. Recreational diving instructors in metropolitan centres are busy during summer and may work interstate or overseas during other seasons. Most work outside of the busiest times is on a part-time or casual basis. Seafood-related work is also often seasonal. Demand for recreational divers in Australia is largely affected by tourism activity, particularly the number of people seeking diving instruction. Demand for offshore construction divers is strongly linked to the level of offshore oil and gas exploration.After retiring from active diving, divers often move to other positions in the industry, such as supervising, dive shop work or operating decompression and recompression chambers.


par - With experience, and sometimes further training, divers may become a ship's diver or dive supervisor.

Seafood Diver

A seafood diver works in hatcheries and assists with the building and maintenance of boats, cages, nets and other equipment. They inspect, repair and clean housings, keep an eye on the health of fish, remove dead fish, repel or kill predators and report observations to the supervisor.

Offshore Construction Diver

An offshore construction diver assists with the construction and repair of pipelines and structures associated with the production of offshore oil and gas. They are also employed in routine inspections of these structures and use non-destructive testing. They are often tradespeople, such as boilermakers or welders.

Recreational Dive Instructor

A recreational dive instructor teaches at resorts and diving schools. Qualified divers supervise and assist recreational divers during lessons and on dives. They also work in diving equipment shops. Instructors start at divemaster level, assisting more experienced staff, and then progress to assistant and full instructor levels.

Saturation Diver

A saturation diver may descend to depths of 300 metres or more and work in underwater work chambers or diving bells. These are the most qualified divers and work usually involves scientific research or the maintenance of deep sea structures.

Scientific Diver

A scientific diver collects samples and carries out underwater analyses for scientific exploration and environmental assessments.

Onshore Construction Diver

An onshore construction diver works on a variety of projects, such as hull inspection and repairs, maintenance work and salvage operations. They may also construct, inspect and repair weirs, locks and dams.


Divers carry out a range of duties underwater using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA), surface breathing apparatus or underwater work chambers. With experience, and sometimes further training, divers may become a ship's diver or dive supervisor.

  • Average age
    Average age
  • Future Growth
    Future Growth
  • Gender Share
    Gender Share
    7% female
  • Average full-time
    Average full-time
    48 hours
  • Weekly Pay
    Weekly Pay
  • Skill level rating
    Skill level rating
    Medium skill
  • Unemployment
    Lower unemployment
  • Full-Time Share
    Full-Time Share
  • Employment Size
    Employment Size
  • Employment Size
    Employment by state
    ACT: 0.3%
    NSW: 26.7%
    NT: 1.7%
    QLD: 19.2%
    SA: 8.3%
    TAS: 10.2%
    VIC: 14.3%
    WA: 19.2%
  • Employment Size
    Age brackets
    15-19: 1.7%
    20-24: 8.1%
    25-34: 39.6%
    35-44: 26.2%
    45-54: 14.6%
    55-59: 4.6%
    60-64: 3.3%
    65 and Over: 1.9%
  • Employment Size
    Education level
    Advanced Diploma/Diploma: 18.2%
    Bachelor degree: 10.7%
    Certificate III/IV: 32.6%
    Post Graduate/Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate: 2.1%
    Year 10 and below: 11.5%
    Year 11: 3.4%
    Year 12: 21.6%
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