Curtin University

Bachelor of Science (Nutrition), Bachelor of Science (Health Promotion)

Curtin University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00301J

This double degree concurrently develops expertise in the areas of nutrition and health promotion. With increasing emphasis being placed on preventing disease using sound nutrition, this combination of skills is ideal for positions where health promotion skills are frequently required and are considered highly desirable, such as government health departments and other agencies involved with the prevention of chronic disease. It is particularly relevant for jobs in government health departments and in community agencies involved with health related areas such as alcohol and other drugs, injury control, disease control, heart disease prevention, cancer control, road safety, research, sponsorship and community development and capacity building.


Credit Points: 800


  • NUTR1000 Food and Nutrition Principles
  • CHEM1007 Fundamental Chemistry for Biosciences
  • BIOL1004 Foundations of Bioscience Practice
  • HLPR1000 Health Promotion Principles and Values
  • PUBH1000 Introduction to Public Health
  • NURS1003 Health and Wellbeing in Social and Cultural Contexts
  • EPID1000 Foundations of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
  • INDH1006 Indigenous Cultures and Health Behaviours
  • HLPR2004 Health Promotion Planning
  • HUMB1000 Human Structure and Function
  • HLPR2002 Health Promotion Methods
  • NUTR2000 Public Health Nutrition
  • HLPR2001 Preventing Non-Communicable Diseases
  • HUMB1001 Integrated Systems Anatomy and Physiology
  • HLPR2000 Health Promotion in Action
  • PUBH2001 Epidemiology - From Principles to Practice
  • BCCB2003 Biochemistry of Nutrition
  • HLPR3004 Health Promotion in Challenging Contexts
  • HLPR3000 Evidence and Evaluation in Health Promotion
  • FOOD2003 Food Chemistry
  • HLPR3003 Health Promotion, Media and Advocacy
  • NUTR2001 Nutrients
  • BCCB2002 Nutritional Biochemistry and Human Metabolism
  • BIOL2002 Nutritional Physiology
  • BIOL3004 Exercise Physiology, Nutrition and Performance
  • PUBH3001 Applied Research and Biostatistics
  • NUTR3000 Food and Nutrition Sociology
  • PUBH3002 Professional Practice in Public Health
  • HLPR3001 Health Partnerships, Politics and Power
  • HLPR3002 Health Promotion Leadership and Identity
  • NUTR3005 Nutrition Communication in Practice
  • EPID3000 Nutritional Epidemiology

Standard entry requirements

  • Completed year 12 in Australia or overseas in the past two years, or
  • Completed TAFE or VET studies in the past two years
  • Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study are those whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a VET course. This includes study at a public TAFE or other VET provider, whether a qualification was completed or not. Applicants with VET study may have other qualifications such as a Year 10 or Year 12 secondary school certificate
  • Applicants with higher education are those whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a higher education course, such as a university degree. This may include applicants who are currently studying a higher education course at another education provider and want to transfer to Curtin University, or applicants who are currently studying at Curtin but want to switch to a different course. It may also include applicants who have completed past study with university and non-university higher education providers.


Graduates are eligible for full membership of the Australian Health Promotion Association and Public Health Association of Australia and to apply for associate membership as an accredited nutritionist with the Dietitians Association of Australia.

Study pathways

Applications for credit towards a course are assessed on an individual basis. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to complete the course and may be granted for formal education qualifications, non-formal learning from non-award programs of study and informal learning through work experiences. Further information can be found at

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Curtin Perth International: $168,087
  • ATAR: 70
  • Full-time : 4 years

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