Faculty of Science and Engineering Research Award (FSERA)

Flinders University

The award is available to applicants who will commence or are continuing a master degree by research or doctorate by research in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.


Applicants must: be Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents; have completed at least 4 years of tertiary studies at a high level of achievement; hold an appropriate honours 1 or 2a (or equivalent) undergraduate degree; be commencing or continuing full-time (part-time awards are available in exceptional circumstances) in a master by research or a doctorate by research in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Flinders University; and have had their candidature accepted in the area in which they propose to undertake their studies.

Amount $26,682

The scholarship provides a stipend of $26,682 per year (2017 RTP rate, indexed annually) for up to 3 years.

Closing date 30 June; 31 October
Number per year 10
Frequency Multiple/year
Duration years
Student type Australian and New Zealand
Gender Co-Ed
For Australian students
For international students
Level of study Postgraduate
Field of studys Engineering and technology
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