Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology) (Honours)

RMIT University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00122A

Are you looking to extend your skills in psychology? This honours degree introduces you to professional issues, theories, and methods of data analysis in contemporary psychology research. Explore the scientific discipline of psychology and its application in the workplace. In the Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology) (Honours), you will learn about psychological assessments and interventions, and write two theses that directly engage you in the research process. Through your studies, youll be equipped with sound evidence-based knowledge you need to for a career in which psychology principles can be utilised, or to pursue higher study at masters or doctorate level. This degree also prepares you for further postgraduate research.


96 credit points


  • Psychology

Standard entry requirements

You must have successfully completed an APAC-approved three-year sequence of study Psychology Bachelor degree with with an average of at least 75% for the entire APAC-approved sequence. You must have successfully completed an Australian bachelor degree (or equivalent overseas qualification) in any discipline and successful completion of an APAC-approved fourth year of study in psychology, with an average of at least 75% for the entire APAC-approved sequence. If you did not undertake psychology studies in Australia, you are required to contact the Australian Psychological Society to obtain recognition of equivalency of qualifications for entry into the professional training programs.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Melbourne City International: $40,320 No
  • Full-time : 1 year
Melbourne City No
  • Full-time : 1 year
  • Part-time : 2 years

Fee comments

Campuses: Melbourne City.

Available for Domestic Student. For more information about the tuition fee, please contact RMIT.

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