Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

RMIT University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00122A

RMITs teaching style is centred around you as an individual. Youll receive personal mentoring that challenges and pushes you to discover and form your own art practice or specialisation.


288 credit points


  • VART3644 Fine Art Studio 1
  • VART3645 Fine Art Studio 2
  • VART3655 Workshop 1
  • VART3650 Workshop 2
  • HUSO2399 Art 1: History+Theory+Cultures
  • HUSO2401 Art 2: History+Theory+Cultures
  • VART3646 Fine Art Studio 3
  • VART3647 Fine Art Studio 4
  • VART3651 Workshop 3
  • VART3652 Workshop 4
  • HUSO2403 Art 3: History+Theory+Cultures
  • VART3648 Fine Art Studio 5
  • VART3649 Fine Art Studio 6
  • VART3653 Workshop 5
  • VART3654 Art Enterprise Workshop
  • HUSO2405 Art 4: History+Theory+Cultures

Standard entry requirements

You must have successfully completed an Australian Year 12 (or equivalent qualification).


The program is recognised by national and international funding and support organisations as a degree in fine art, including Arts Victoria and The Australia Council for the Arts.

Study pathways

Graduates of the Diploma of Visual Art may be eligible to apply for exemptions. Foundation studies and visual art students with distinction may articulate directly into the program. An Honours year is available following the successful completion of the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art). Honours is a pathway to postgraduate research. Eligibility is based on the level of academic achievement during the program.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Melbourne City International: $123,840 No
  • Full-time : 3 years

Further information

Graduates exhibit work in world class local, national and international galleries, and hold senior positions in galleries and museums as well as national and international university academic and research positions. Graduates from this program also engage in a range of artistic and cultural activities, such as public art commissions, online and time-based art, production design, website design, photography, special effects art, video editing, project management, festival curation, cultural diplomacy, sound recording, music arrangement, motion picture directing and commercial creative practices.

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