Master of Animation, Games and Interactivity

RMIT University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00122A

In the Master of Animation, Games and Interactivity, our students work alongside ACMI X, exhibit their work at the Melbourne International Animation Festival, and have opportunities to collaborate with academic staff, industry practitioners, and RMIT research centres.You will develop your directorial vision as you learn concepts and techniques of narrative, visual, and interactive media in a studio setting.This degree builds on more than 20 years of RMITs success in postgraduate teaching and research, focusing on the advanced theoretical and practical aspects of professional production in animation, games, and interactive media.As you acquire skills in these areas, you will develop a directorial vision and in-depth understanding of narrative, visual, and interactive media through studio projects and collaborations that focus on current global trends.By the end of your studies, you will have completed a number of major studio works in your specialisation, as well as a substantial amount of research.


192 credit points over 2 years full-time or 4 years part-time.


  • Animation, Games and Interactivity

Standard entry requirements

Successfully completed an Australian bachelor degree (or equivalent overseas qualification), or At least three years of professional experience in the animation, games, interactivity and/or digital media area.

Study pathways

Students who successfully completed one of the following qualifications specialising in animation, games, interactivity or digital media will be eligible for exemption; Applicants with a bachelor honours degree, graduate certificate, graduate diploma or masters degree qualification majoring in a different discipline may also be eligible for exemption of up to 48 credit points (equivalent to one semester full time study).

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Melbourne City Domestic: $69,120
  • Full-time : 2 years
  • Part-time : 4 years
Melbourne City International: $80,640 No
  • Full-time : 2 years

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