Diploma of Viticulture - AHC51519


Type of institution: TAFE Institute
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)

This qualification describes the skills and knowledge of those in management roles within the viticulture industry.Individuals with this qualification will take personal responsibility and exercise autonomy in undertaking complex work. They must analyse information and exercise judgement to complete a range of advanced skilled activities.Work must comply with work health and safety and environmental regulations and legislation that apply to the workplace.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.


  • Prepare and monitor budgets and financial reports
  • Monitor and manage soils for production
  • Implement and monitor transport logistics
  • Develop a grape production plan
  • Implement a machinery management system
  • Operate precision control technology
  • Market products and services
  • Diagnose plant health problems
  • Negotiate and monitor contracts
  • Develop and review a business plan
  • Prepare the enterprise for organic or biodynamic certification
  • Evaluate wine
  • Manage a wine making process
  • Manage machinery and equipment
  • Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
  • Develop and manage a chemical use strategy
  • Manage water systems
  • Evaluate grapes for production
  • Identify and report unusual disease or plant pest signs
  • Source goods/services and evaluate contractors
  • Manage enterprise staff requirements
  • Plan and manage long-term weed, pest and disease control in crops
  • Manage active operational emergency disease or plant pest sites
  • Manage work health and safety processes
  • Develop an organic or biodynamic management plan
  • Apply biosecurity measures
  • Prepare estimates, quotes and tenders

Standard entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Barossa No
  • Online/Off-campus : 24 months

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