Queen's College Lionel Phillips Scholarship for Asian Studies

University of Melbourne, The

The scholarship is donated by Mr Takahiro Chikashima in honour of Lionel Phillips (Arts, 1940), who spent much of his life in Japan working in the Australian diplomatic service.


The scholarship is open to honours or a postgraduate students who are pursuing a degree in the following areas: Japanese, Chinese or Korean language, history or culture; Australia's relations with Japan, China or Korea; or business or legal studies focusing on Japan, China or Korea.

Further details

Qualified applicants can apply in writing to the Master.

Amount $15,000

The scholarship is valued at $15,000.

Closing date Early December
Frequency Annual
Duration year
Student type Australian
Gender Co-Ed
For Australian students
For international students
Level of study Undergraduate / VET
Field of studys Humanities and social sciences
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