Humanities and Social Sciences MOOCs

Free online humanities and social sciences courses
We've selected some free online humanities and social sciences courses so that you can get a taste for some of the MOOC content available. If any of the videos interest you, click on the enrol button to learn more about how you can start studying.
Charles Sturt University
Exploring Social Work and Human Services Career Paths
Explore and discover what social work and human services is all about through the stories of practitioners working in the field.
Where this course can take you:
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of Social Science – Psychology
- Bachelor of Art Theory/Arts
University of Newcastle
What Does It Mean To Be Human? Introduction To The Humanities
by Catharine Coleborne
Answer some of the big questions about being human, and get an introduction to the skills needed in the humanities.

Where this course can take you:
The University of Melbourne
How Music Can Change Your Life
Learners who engage in this MOOC can expect to both deepen and broaden their understanding of how music can be used with individuals, groups and communities.