Avondale University

Doctor of Philosophy

Avondale University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 02731D

The Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) is an internationallyrecognised, stand-alonedoctoral degree which enables students to develop advanced independent and sustained research skills. The thesis should demonstrate a critical application of specialist knowledge and make an independent contribution to knowledge in the area of research. PhD students will develop and enhance critical thinking skills, ethical scholarshipand collaboration within the context of Avondale’s values of excellence, spirituality, nurture, service and balance. They will benefit from the opportunity to develop critical understanding of a complex field of learning andspecialisedresearch skills. Researchspecialisationscan be in Education, Arts, Nursing, Ministry and Theology. PhD students will develop and enhance their transferable skills, research techniques and application through various activities which: Enable appropriate evidence of advanced knowledge about a specialist body of theoretical and/or applied topics; Encourage a high order of skill in analysis, and critical evaluation through the planning and execution of a piece of scholarship or research; and Foster creativity and flexibility in the application of knowledge to new situations in order to solve complex problems and to think rigorously and independently.


Core structure of the PhD course:A PhD candidate, whether studying by full-time or part-time study, will normally enrol in two units across the course of their degree:DPHL71000 Doctor of Philosophy ThesisDPHL72000 Doctor of Philosophy Thesis – Under Examination

Standard entry requirements

  • GENERAL ADMISSION CRITERIATo qualify for admission, you must have completed:An Australian Qualifications Framework AQF Level 9 Master's by research degree, including a major self-directed research component, from an accredited university or higher education provider
  • OrAn Australian Qualifications Framework AQF Level 9 Master's by coursework degree, including a major self-directed research component, from an accredited university or higher education provider
  • OrA Professional Doctorate, including a major self-directed research component, from an accredited university or higher education provider
  • OrAn overseas qualification comparable to an Australian Qualifications Framework AQF Level 9 or higherWe may give special consideration for entry into the PhD if you can demonstrate research experience and a capacity to complete a PhD.SPECIFIC ADMISSION CRITERIAThe following are the specific criteria for admission:Provide certified colour copies of transcripts from relevant previous qualifications, in original language and official English translations (if applicable), including explanations of grades (often provided on the back of transcript documents)
  • AndA brief research proposal (max. 1000 words) outlining the proposed research field you intend to pursue (include the topic, research questions, purpose, background, rationale, theoretical framework (if known), timeframe, methodology, references)
  • AndA sample of a major written assignment or mini-thesis submitted for assessment as part of a previously completed degreeAcceptance into the PhD degree is dependent on:Your qualifications and experience
  • Your ability to communicate and write in English
  • The quality and feasibility of your research proposal
  • The availability of appropriate supervision
  • AndThe availability of appropriate infrastructure and financial resources.The Director of Higher Degree Research may conduct a formal interview to determine your capacity to meet the above requirements.POST ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSPhD candidates may need clearances in contexts where they are conducting research during their candidature. For example:A Criminal Record Check and Working with Children Check if you plan research that involves children or vulnerable peopleGovernment health department vaccinations from the area in which the research would be conductedINTERNATIONAL APPLICANTSInternational applicants must meet the Australian Government's visa requirements to reside in Australia while undertaking postgraduate studies at Avondale University.For more information, visit https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder/studyENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTSInternational applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency in one of the following ways:Provide documentary evidence of at least two years of tertiary study conducted and assessed in English in a recognised country^ and completed within the last two yearsDemonstrate English language proficiency by achieving a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 overall with no sub-band below 7.0

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Lake Macquarie International: $93,984 No
  • Full-time : 4 years
  • Part-time : 8 years

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