Technology for Education in Clinical Healthcare (EdTech) (Short course)
Monash University
Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 00008C
The digital landscape provides exciting opportunities for clinical healthcare educators to embrace technology and create learning modules that excite and motivate students. Through this course, you'll discover how to reimagine your education practice to make the most of what EdTech has to offer. In this interactive online course, you will learn about and apply commonly used and intuitive technologies that will assist you to creatively and effectively design your teaching activities, and to optimise their educational value to your students and trainees. We will consider the importance of human cognitive processing in eLearning and cover basic principles of educational design. Our goal is that you play, explore, and have fun with the technology so that you are comfortable to incorporate the technologies effectively into your teaching from day one of the course.
Standard entry requirements
This course is designed for health care educators interested in applying visual and social media, interACT ivity, video production and editing, gamification, and a range of other technologies to their educational prACT ices in the university or clinical setting. It provides them with the skills needed to make use of current technology and social media tools to support teaching and learning. Participants learn how to use technology to create learning environments and materials that consider cognition and learning principles and therefore optimise learning. No prior experience with technology is necessary.
Study information
Campus | Fees | Entry | Mid year intake | Attendance |
Monash Online | No |