• Nathan Lancaster
    Nathan Lancaster

    Nathan Lancaster

    Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) student
    For Nathan Lancaster, a pathway course gave him the confidence to return to study. Now completing an Honours program, Nathan is committed to helping others foster self-belief through psychology.

    After working in retail for eight years, Nathan was seeking a career change but felt he didn’t have the confidence to study at university.

    "I enrolled in the Preparing for Success Program and learnt a lot of valuable skills. It prepared me to undertake a Bachelor degree because I learnt how to write essays, reference and manage my time," Nathan said.

    After receiving a High Distinction for his first grade during the pathway program, Nathan felt encouraged to enrol in the Bachelor of Psychological Science.

    "I’ve absolutely loved it and I’ve never looked back; it’s led to so many opportunities, in becoming a student ambassador, and working for the uni, and also just all the connections and friendships I’ve formed. It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made I reckon."

    Nathan is now undertaking his Psychology Honours and is bolstering his knowledge in psychology through a volunteer position at Lifeline.

    "It’s definitely tricky knowing almost every call you get is a risky call where it could be a life-threatening situation, but it’s a very important job and has been great character building for me, where I’m learning tools in talking to people in general and being able to listen better, as well as becoming self-aware in being able to keep my emotions and biases in check – I’ve learnt a lot of great life skills from that.

    "I love the calls where you feel like you’ve made a real difference. They really bring a whole new sense of satisfaction and meaning to life."

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