We found over 941 accredited creative arts courses offered by institutions. Learn about fees, term dates, entry requirements, duration, structure, rankings and subjects.

The University of Canberra
Unleash your creativity and roll-up your sleeves with our dynamic and hands-on range of degrees in the Creative Arts. Let your natural creativity guide the way into an assortment of dynamic careers in the film industry, design, media and more. Ignite your creative spark and prepare for career bursting with possibility.

The TAFE NSW Bachelor of Creative Practice enables you to specialise in your arts discipline, choosing from Visual Arts, Music Production and Performance or Design. This course will expand your career options by developing your creative and entrepreneurial skills through a range of creative projects. You will improve your skills in studio time with experienced teachers, while you make valuable connections, enhance your portfolio and strengthen your technical skills.
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Dom. $29,480
Int. $31,000