Where jobs of the future could lead you
The future of the job market
Ten years ago, smartphones were in their infancy, social media had yet to sweep the globe and self-driving cars were a dream. With the rate of innovation and how quickly the world has adapted to new technologies and made devices, apps and the internet an irreplaceable part of life, it is impossible to predict the next shift. The increasing popularity of drones and wearable tech opens up endless possibilities for how lives may be lived in a decade from now. What can be predicted however, is that the need for tech savvy graduates will increase, STEM will remain a key education focus and the IT industry will continue to find new niches where people can create new and interesting roles.
Gamification Designer
As jobs become more complex and menial tasks are increasingly completed by machines and software, humans will require new ways to learn how to perform tasks. Gamification is the deployment of gaming techniques and processes in non-game contexts. It can be used to teach everything from fine motor control in high-pressure situations, to the basics of complex coding languages. A gamification designer will create experiences that leverage the innate human compulsion to learn, socialise, express, compete and win, with the end goal being mastery of a job function.
Clean water is the world's most valuable resource. As the global population continues to increase and resources become scarce, a hydrologist will be responsible for creating intelligent ways to maximize the existing water, as well as develop ways to create more. They will have a high-level understanding of statistics and chemistry, as well as geography and geology, and of course meteorology, enabling them to make detailed predictions, plans and estimates. Their work will become of great importance to governments trying to protect their populations and economies from drought, which will impact crops, food production and human mortality rates.
Neural implant technician
One prediction for the future is that humans will have computer chip implants in their brains to allow them to perform a number of tasks, without having to open a laptop or look at their smartphone. Such a technology will require specialised technicians to perform upgrades, services and repairs on the device while it remains integrated in the person's body. A neural technician will most likely be a combination of brain surgeon and IT department, combining a sophisticated knowledge of programming languages, hardware construction and neurology.
Professional triber
Technological advances have made it possible for more people to leave the office environment in favour of working remotely. Coupled with the rise of freelancing, companies will increasingly rely upon on-demand workers. These arrangements will require project leaders who have the connections and skills to build long-lasting relationships with workers across a variety of specialties. In the same way a film producer brings together actors, directors, writers and support staff, a professional triber will be relied upon to create highly specialised teams to complete different projects.
Remote healthcare specialist
With the increase in fitness trackers and health software to help people get fit and stay well, there may be an increased demand for those who can interpret the data. Apple has taken the lead by integrating their iOS with a specialised app, enabling users to maintain a closer eye on their overall health. The next step may be pre-emptive advice when the user's health information meets certain criteria and correlations. The origins of the remote healthcare specialist lie in the creation of websites such as WebMD, however the model will shift from a person researching symptoms on the internet, to their smart device recording their statistics and alerting a healthcare specialist to any irregularities.
Since humans first ceased being nomadic and started to build villages, domesticate dogs, and hoard possessions, they have been removing the natural world to make more space. With environmental care and sustainability becoming a mainstream concern, rewilding will be at the forefront of giving back space to nature. A professional rewilder will develop projects and look for rewilding opportunities, then project manage them into fruition. They'll be responsible for reversing the impact of human interference and creating sustainable integration with the environment without damaging flora or fauna.
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