Search results for "jobs"

Why an apprenticeship or traineeship with your local council might have everything you're looking for

Why an apprenticeship or traineeship with your local council might have everything you're looking for

Are you looking to gain a nationally-recognised qualification in an in-demand profession, get paid while you learn, and play a part in your local community, doing an apprenticeship, traineeship or cadetship through your local council could be a great option for you. 
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5 tips to get employed after graduation

5 tips to get employed after graduation

Knowing what employers want so you can land a job after you graduate can feel like wading through water. Check out these tips to help you get prepared so you can land that grad job.
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Why you should join a club or society in the middle of the semester

Why you should join a club or society in the middle of the semester

Being a part of uni life can be such an important of your uni degree. Meeting people and making friends is also so exciting. What reason do you have not to sign up to a club or society?
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Conquering the cost crunch: financing your Australian tertiary education

Conquering the cost crunch: financing your Australian tertiary education

This guide equips you with the knowledge and resources to navigate the financial landscape of Australian universities and VET programs.
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Future-proof your studies: hot skills and degrees for landing your dream job in 2025

Future-proof your studies: hot skills and degrees for landing your dream job in 2025

The future of work in Australia might seem as clear as vegemite after a week in your lunchbox, but fear not! Picking the right course can feel like a guessing game, but focusing on skills that are in high demand can give you a toolbox overflowing with career options. Let's dive into some of the areas expected to boom by 2025, along with the skills that'll make you a superstar employee.


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5 things to do during your university break

5 things to do during your university break

University breaks offer a chance to relax and recharge, but also to gain valuable skills and experiences. This article explores 5 ways to make the most of your break, including internships, online courses, travel, personal projects, and self-care.
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Top universities for STEM study: The Good Universities Guide ratings 2024

Top universities for STEM study: The Good Universities Guide ratings 2024

Explore the leading STEM universities in Australia according to The Good Universities Guide ratings 2024. Your gateway to a future in science, technology, engineering and mathematics starts here.
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Is an arts degree worth doing?

Is an arts degree worth doing?

Discover the true value of an arts degree and its impact on employment prospects. Explore the benefits of arts programs and find out why an arts degree is worth pursuing.

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Best universities by subject in each state: Australian skill shortage list

Best universities by subject in each state: Australian skill shortage list

What are the state's top performing education providers in courses that feed into Australia's national skills shortage? We identify and set them apart by two rating categories: overall experience and full-time employment.
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4 career change tips for you

4 career change tips for you

Understand your motivations for change, along with your values, strengths, concerns and preferred way of working.
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Skills shortage and what to study in university: Is this your sweet spot?

Skills shortage and what to study in university: Is this your sweet spot?

Accompanied by a look into the jobs that are in demand in Australia, we take a look at the best universities that can prepare students for those occupations according to three factors or rankings.
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The graduate job market and top employers in 2022

The graduate job market and top employers in 2022

While previous years painted a hazy picture, the rebounding job market has created somewhat bright prospects for young job-seekers.
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5 ways your uni can help you get job-ready

5 ways your uni can help you get job-ready

Don’t wait until you’re applying for graduate roles to focus on becoming employable
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The top paying jobs in Australia for 2021

The top paying jobs in Australia for 2021

Here are Australia’s highest-paying jobs for 2021, according to average taxable income.
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