Get to know your uni options

Brought to you by Macquarie University
Okay, so you know you want to go to uni, and you know the area you’d like to study. However, with universities being so multifaceted and so flexible, there are more options and pathways than ever before. It’s really important to drill down a little more deeply into the choices available, so you can truly judge whether a university and a course is a good fit for you.
Talk it through
If you’ve never been to uni before, navigating your way through all the various options of study schedules and course timetables can be dizzying to say the least — so take any opportunity you can to attend open days or campus events, and chat with the student liaison staff, faculty representatives or career advisers about the best and most efficient way to schedule your studies.
Take the tour
Nothing allows you to understand the feel of a university better than taking a tour. Not only will you get a handle on the ambience of the place, but it also gives you the jump on finding the important, less obvious parts of a university campus – from the library and lecture theatres through to common social areas and cool study spaces. Taking a tour of your intended faculty is also essential to scope out the facilities: what kind of equipment the scientific labs have, or how many video editing suites are in the media section, or what set-up is offered for professional placement within on-campus corporate outposts. For potential students with special mobility requirements, this is also the time to check that a uni is kitted out appropriately to make your movement around campus as seamless as possible.
Get some one-on-one time
The best kinds of uni events and open days or weeks include the opportunity to book one-on-one consultations with staff and faculty members, to work through any queries you might have. Of course, it’s never a bad idea to make a good impression at this stage with your future lecturer or tutor, too, so prepare some great, searching questions to ask. This can be the perfect time to enquire about such personalised flexible options as advanced standing or partial credit, since it all heavily depends on your own personal circumstances and experiences. You should also take this moment to enquire about internships or work experience, work placement assistance or collaborative corporate graduate and research programs.
Explore Your Options Week
The Macquarie University ‘Explore Your Options’ Week takes place from December 16–23, 2020. Offering a full program of tours and information sessions, plus the chance to book a one-on-one consultation or campus tour, it’s an indispensable tool in your pre-study preparations.
This year, it’s especially important to book: registrations are now open for Explore Your Options Week here.