Charles Sturt University Rankings

The ranking below for Charles Sturt University is from the 2018 edition of The Good Universities Guide. Please visit Charles Sturt University Rankings 2019 to view their latest ratings.

The proportion of graduates finding Full-Time Employment at Charles Sturt University is higher than at any other university in Australia. The 2018 edition of The Good Universities Guide has awarded five stars to Charles Sturt University where 83.9 per cent of graduates find employment within four months of graduation. The national average rate of Full-Time Employment is 69.5 per cent. Charles Sturt University is also rated five stars for Starting Salary.

Key insights:

22 per cent of domestic students who commence study at CSU come from a low socio-economic background. No other university in Australia serves as many low SES students (per-capita), while delivering some of the strongest employment outcomes in the country.

Charles Sturt also achieved five stars for the Learner Engagement measure at the institution level.

Best in Australia for measures in pharmacy (Teaching Quality), veterinary science (Learning Resources and Student Support), and psychology (Starting Salary and Full-Time Employment).

CSU were best in the country for Full-Time Employment in five fields of study:


Computing and information systems

Agriculture and environmental studies

Law and paralegal studies


Five-star field of study highlights

Charles Sturt University posted five-star results for at least one measure across 15 different fields of study. CSU was dominant in business and management and computing and information systems, with five five-star results in each. Full-Time Employment led the way, with 11 five-star results in fields including agriculture and environment, communications, psychology, and rehabilitation.

Take a look at these and other CSU courses by visiting their profile page.

Find out more about how CSU's ratings compare to other universities, or head to the Good Education Group Bookshop to purchase a copy of the print guide. The full guide is also available as an e-book, plus a series of downloadable eGuides.

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