Victoria University Rankings
The ranking below for Victoria University is from the 2018 edition of The Good Universities Guide. Please visit Victoria University Rankings 2019 to view their latest ratings.
The 2018 edition of the Good Universities Guide highlights the unique role Victoria University is playing in creating pathways into tertiary education. 65 per cent of VU students are non-school leavers enrolling through pathway programs — the highest proportion of any Victorian university. 21 per cent of VU students are from low socio-economic backgrounds — no other Victorian metro university enrols as many low SES students per capita as VU. These figures highlight VU's success in serving students who are underrepresented in higher education and results in selected fields of study indicate these students are highly satisfied with their experiences at VU.
Key insights:
VU students report high levels of satisfaction in measures of Skills Development and Learner engagement at a national level:
Skills development (82 per cent), above the national average of 81 per cent.
Learner engagement (65 per cent), above the national average of 64 per cent.
VU students report high levels of satisfaction in measures of Skills Development in key fields of study:
86.8 per cent of humanities students at VU are satisfied with Skills Development at VU, higher than Monash, (79.1 per cent), Melbourne (82.2 per cent) and RMIT (84.3 per cent)
89.2 per cent of students taking social work at VU are satisfied with the quality of Skills Development at VU. Monash students reported 74.1 per cent.
Take a look at these and other VU courses by visiting their profile page.
Find out more about how VU's ratings compare to other universities, or head to the Good Education Group Bookshop to purchase a copy of the print guide. The full guide is also available as an e-book, plus a series of downloadable eGuides.