Your questions about uni offers answered

If you’re waiting to be accepted into uni, we’re sure you have some questions about your options once offers begin rolling into your inbox. We describe some of the common scenarios and what comes next.
I’ve been accepted into my first preference. What happens now?
You’ve worked hard and it’s all paid off! To accept your offer, you’ll need to submit your enrolment to the university. You can generally do this online but can also head over to the campus — it’s likely that they’ll have rooms set up with student advisers on hand to answer any questions you might have. This is your opportunity to find out everything you need to know before classes start, such as where your preferred major will lead and how subjects are taught.
I got an offer for a lower preference. Will I still get into my first choice?
The first thing to remember is that there are a number of rounds, so you still have a chance even if you miss out initially. Check the cut-off score for the first round — if you are very close to it, it’s possible that you’ll be offered a place in the second round (we just can’t make any promises!). Spots open up in later rounds for a number of reasons, usually when other students reject or defer their offers or because the university has made extra places available.
I didn’t get an offer. What’s my next step?
If you didn’t receive an offer, don’t fret just yet. There are many other students in the same boat. University entry is competitive, so you might need to wait until the second round of offers (or a subsequent round) before you are given a place. If you want to change your preferences, you will be given the opportunity to do so. Our tip is to research all the options at your disposal — similar courses at lower-demand universities, other courses at the preferred institution that have a lower cut-off or lower-level qualifications in the VET sector. Check your state or territory’s TAC website for more information about the change of preference period.
I want to take a year off. Do I accept or reject my offer?
If you’re thinking about taking a gap year, you can place it on hold. This is known as deferring and saves you the trouble of reapplying when you’re ready to commence your studies. Most universities allow you to defer for a semester or full year of study, although some allow a period of up to two years. Just keep in mind that not all universities or programs allow you to defer, and that your course may change during the period you are absent. See To defer or not to defer? and The benefits of a gap year for all the details.
I’ve changed my mind about going to uni. What are my options?
After years of hard work, it’s okay to feel a little worse for wear. Perhaps you’re no longer too keen on going to uni, would prefer to head into the VET sector or want to get stuck into full-time work. The main thing to remember is that it’s okay to not want to go to uni, but you just need to make sure that you’re making a considered choice. Before making any decisions, it’s best to chat to your school career adviser or institution advisers to sort through your options.