Search results for "offers"
Career spotlight: Early Childhood Education
Working in early childhood education could be a great path for anyone who is supportive, creative, and passionate about shaping young minds. Here are five reasons why a career in early childhood education could be perfect for you.
How to take the pressure off your last year of school with Early Entry to the University of New England
ATAR isn’t the only way to assess how successful you will be at university.
The power of games in a growing industry
Join the inaugural Melbourne International Games Week Careers and Frontiers Education Symposium, where thought leaders will share their insights to inspire the next generation of Games designers, developers and entrepreneurs promote cross-industry discourse and spark innovation.
What items do you really need for university?
Different types of student accommodation at Aussie universities
Conquering the cost crunch: financing your Australian tertiary education
The top five reasons for locking in an early uni offer at Macquarie
If you’re in Year 12 and you’re thinking about studying at uni next year, you might have already come across the terms ‘early offer’ or ‘early entry’.
But you might still be wondering what exactly early entry is, what’s so great about it and why a Macquarie early offer might be perfect for you. So, here’s the lowdown!
5 apps to help you study before the start of exams
How to support your child as they choose their course and university
Help your child navigate the crucial decision of choosing a university and course! This guide offers 7 strategies to support their self-discovery, research universities, and make an informed choice for their future success.