Search results for "ACT"

Doing your degree differently

Doing your degree differently

Here's how TAFE NSW provide its students with a better learning experience
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Ratings Review: The best universities to study nursing

Ratings Review: The best universities to study nursing

We looked at which universities with undergraduate nursing degrees performed best in full-time employment, skills development and graduate salary.  
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How to use social media more mindfully and productively

How to use social media more mindfully and productively

Social media has changed how we communicate and live. It’s become a safe space for many people, a place of learning, empathy, education, connection, and entertainment.
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What are the best flexible jobs for uni students?

What are the best flexible jobs for uni students?

Here's a list of flexible jobs while you need to balance work and study at the same time.
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Ratings Review: The best universities for computing and information systems

Ratings Review: The best universities for computing and information systems

A qualification in computing and information systems can offer a wide variety of options for graduates.
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Queensland offers free TAFE for Year 12 graduates in 2020

Queensland offers free TAFE for Year 12 graduates in 2020

If you finished school in 2019, you can kick-start your career by getting the skills employers want without the fees!

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The top graduate employers of 2020

The top graduate employers of 2020

Here are the top 10 Best Graduate Employers.

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